Monday, December 1, 2008

Monday, November 24, 2008

A little bit about Jason

*I have a Bachelors of Science degree in Business Administration.
*I love animals and volunteered at a zoo when I was younger.
*I am a good cook and love smoking meat and barbequeing.
*I performed in theater even before meeting Diana.
*Until my mission and moving to Chicago I had never been east(or even close to)the Mississippi River, now I'm there all the time.
*I get a little competitive when playing games.
*I am a big time joker.
*I went on my mission to Alabama when I was 24 years old.
*When I was in college I had an awesome job where I was able to test computer games and I was actually put in two of the games they created.

Favorite Movie: My friends believe that I don’t like movies. I love movies, but given the choice I would rather play games. But if I had to choose one movie it would probably be "Better off Dead."
Favorite TV Show: M*A*S*H, The Office, Psych
Favorite Sport: Hockey, Football, Skiing
Favorite Animal: Dogs - I had a dog growing up and have loved them ever since.
Favorite Color: Green
Favorite Food: Steak and Texas Roadhouse Sauteed Mushrooms
Favorite Flower: The ones that Diana likes
Favorite Holiday: Holidays that involve good food
Dream Car: Willys Jeep
Dream Vacation: New Zealand or Ireland
Hobbies: Golf, photography
Favorite memory with a pet: When our dog was just a tiny puppy, we would play fetch with a yard stick. She loved to run and bring it back. It was 10 times bigger than her and so cute!
Favorite day of the week: Monday – Only 4 more days until Friday
Favorite Drink: Rootbeer
Favorite Family Activity: Games
Favorite IceCream: Blue Bell Banana Pudding or Ben and Jerry’s Half Baked
Favorite Memory with Spouse: Camping in Yellowstone
Favorite quality about my spouse: She’s Hot!
Favorite Olympic event: Hockey
Favorite candy bar: Reese’s Peanut Butter Cup
Favorite thing to shop for: Gadgets
Favorite date with my spouse: My first one because it was the first date that we had.